Seeking foster carers

If a pet you are listing is in need of a foster carer while they are waiting to be adopted, you can select the ‘Pet is also seeking a foster home (optional)’ option on their listing.

When selecting this option - a Foster Carer Needed preview will show on their completed listing, as well as in their preview tile in the search results. Enquirers can also search specifically for pets to foster by filtering for this in a standard search.

Please note:

  • All pets listed on PetRescue must be available for adoption (not just foster care)
  • We ask that you do not add requests for foster carers in the pets name field, as these will be removed

Additional ways to find foster carers:

  • Registering to be on PetRescue's Foster Care Directory:

    PetRescue's Foster Care directory directs individuals interested in becoming a foster carer directly to organisations in their area that are seeking carers. If you'd like to be added to this, simply register HERE.

  • Updating your current group profile details so potential carers can find you and reach out:

    If you feel comfortable, you can make your email or phone number visible so that the enquirers can get in touch with you directly. Enquirers in your area can also locate your group easily via our Rescue Directory if you have your address updated, including your suburb and postcode (NOTE: your specific location isn’t visible to the public, just your suburb and state, and we will never provide your contact details to the public without your authorisation)

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