What are donations to PetRescue used for?

Our work is made possible by the generous donations from pet lovers all over Australia. This is what keeps our not-for-profit organisation running, allowing us to offer services, programs and online resources for free to hundreds of rescue groups, shelters and pounds.

We help them save the lives of thousands of homeless pets every month by connecting their listed pets with new loving families via our website.

We work hard to ensure that all donations are used as efficiently and effectively as possible, in order to maximise the positive impact PetRescue has on the safety and well-being of homeless animals throughout Australia.

You can read more about PetRescue's lifesaving programs here

There are lots of other ways for you to help PetRescue raise awareness, too! You can share pets available for adoption with your friends and followers. You can display posters at your workplace. And of course, you can foster or adopt your very own rescue pet!  

For more ways to help, check out our Get Involved section.

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