Required rehoming & identification numbers when listing pets

Per legislation for some states, it is required that you update your listings to include a rehoming identification number. If you are listing cats or dogs from any of the states mentioned below, then please make it a priority to go to your include your Rehoming number, Source Number or Breeder Identification Number. 

For this to automatically appear on all of your pet listings, log in to your admin account. Go to Manage Group Profile, click 'Edit' at the top of the page and then scroll down to Group Settings. Click the '+' to open the options. As seen below, you will then be able to add your rehoming identification number applicable to your state or the state/s you are rehoming to.

Once you have added the relevant identification number, be sure to scroll down to the bottom of the page and click 'Update Group'.

Below are the new requirements by state:



Other Pets

Note: Any pet listing for interstate adoption will have to comply with the listing rules for that state. For example - if you are listing a pet for interstate adoption in Victoria, then your organisation will have to apply for a "Source number", which must be displayed on your pet's PetRescue listing. 

More information about the state requirements & PetRescue listing requirements can be found here.

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