Members discount insurance

Rescuing can be risky business. Claims for personal injury or property damage can be incredibly expensive if you don't have adequate liability insurance, not to mention legal costs, even if you aren’t at fault.

If you already have insurance, does your current policy cover you for the situations you need in foster homes and on adoption days for staff, foster carers, volunteers, and property?

We’ve been shocked by stories of rescue groups being quoted costly premiums for basic public liability insurance, which explains why it often ends up in the too-hard and too-expensive basket. But it's so important to be able to run your group with confidence, secure in the knowledge that you and your group are adequately covered, not to mention the opportunities that open up once you do have coverage, particularly regarding fundraising.

With this in mind, we’ve secured an exclusive public liability insurance deal for PetRescue member organisations through an external insurance company. If you are rescuing, you simply can’t afford to have it.

To apply, complete an initial online proposal form, and your enquiry will be sent to Insurance Advisernet, who is offering this deal. It's also an excellent opportunity to discuss your other insurance needs or any queries you may have.

Before purchasing, please read the PDS to make sure this product is right for you.

Read more on the importance of Public Liability Insurance here.

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