Bumping pet listings

To help all listings be seen by potential adopters and ensure the pet has the greatest chance at finding a home, PetRescue has implemented a Bump feature, which boosts listings and brings them back to the first few pages of pet search results.

There are two ways to bump a pet listing.

You can bump an individual pet by going to their listing and clicking ‘Bump’ at the top of the page in the Your Tools section, as seen below.

Alternatively, you can bump multiple pet listings at once by going to Manage my pets, selecting all the pet profiles you wish to give a boost to, and clicking the 'Bump' button!

Once you have bumped a listing, the once-green button will appear grey (as shown above). You will be able to bump the listing again after seven days.

To ensure members have the opportunity to showcase their pets seeking a loving home when a pet is bumped, it goes into a queue to be pushed to the top of the search results again. It is important to note that as this is a somewhat manual process, it may take a few hours (during busier periods up to a day) for your listing/listings to hit to the first few pages of the search results. 

If you have long-term pets struggling to receive adoption interest, please contact our team at members@petrescue.org.au to discuss additional support.

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