Photo formats for pet listings

If you are uploading any photos to pet listings, please ensure they are in one of the following formats and no larger than 20MB in size: 

  • Jpg (or jpe or jpeg)
  • Webp
  • Heic
  • Png
  • Gif

How can I check my photo’s format?

Most photos taken on a standard phone camera are “jpeg” or “heic” files, which are accepted by the photo uploader tool. An easy way to determine the file type of your photo is by checking the extension on the file name. For example, if the file name is Fluffy.jpg or Fluffy.png, then it will be supported by PetRescue’s photo uploader. 


Apple/Mac users:

Right-click on your photo and click ‘Get info’, and you should be able to see the type of file it is, i.e. jpg, png, gif etc.

Windows users:

Right-click on your photo and click ‘Properties’ to see the file type.



Open the photo on your phone’s gallery and view it on full screen. Then swipe up on the photo to see more information about it, including the file type.


Open the photo on your phone’s gallery and view it on full screen. Then click on the three dots near the photo and click ‘Get details’.

What if my photo is in an unsupported format?

You can easily change your photo format by using online conversion tools such as Cloud Convert (there are loads of tools available on search engines that can convert your files to the required format).

For more assistance, feel free to reach out to our team at

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