Roles of Group Admins and Group Members

Did you know that all PetRescue member organisations can create varying access levels for each team member that they add to their group? Individuals within your organisation can either be group Members with limited access to the pet listings they create and manage or Admins - with full access to all listings and their group's profile page. Creating multiple user logins is beneficial and recommended, as it can help you keep track of updates made on behalf of your group.

The difference between group Admins and Members is shown below:

Access, Permissions & Capabilities Admins Members
Can create new listings Yes Yes
Can view their own pet listings on the group page Yes Yes
Can view all pet listings on the group page (+mark as a draft, available, on hold, adopted, remove, bump) Yes No
Can edit their own listings (mark as a draft, available, on hold, adopted, remove, bump) Yes Yes
Can edit, remove, bump all pet listings Yes No
Can view their own conversations they are a contact of Yes Yes
Can view all groups conversations Yes No
Can join existing group conversations (with the enquirer and another group user) Yes No
Can archive their own conversations Yes Yes
Can view their own pet listing history Yes Yes
Can view all pet listings histories Yes No
Can edit their own account details Yes Yes
Can manage all team group user accounts (add new Members, edit and delete accounts - including other Admins) Yes No
Can edit groups profile details and settings Yes No

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